"teach me to do it myself"

Simple Bootstrap Theme

Hakusan and Sendagi, Bunkyo ward


In the Preschool we accept children from one to six years old, using multi-age groups. We believe that children learn from each other. A younger child will look up to the older peers, but as they grow up they become the leaders, teaching younger peers, growing confidence.

The classes are not taught as one group the whole time, there are times throughout the day when teachers take one age group aside to teach age-targeted lessons.

Teaching 21st century skills / STEM activities


Today's kindergarten-age children will be looking for jobs around 20 years from now. MEES strongly believes that we should prepare them for the future by starting digital awareness from a young age, just as with a language.

At MEES International School from 2 years old all students will have the use of a personal iPad. 
Since the introduction of smartphones and tablets, it is impossible to think of a world without them. All over the world (new) schools have started to build their systems around the use of tablets in the classroom with success. The AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics) released a report indicating that with the right guidance and social context, tablets are a contribution to a young child’s learning, and stimulate creativity. As well, the use of tablets can enable children to identify both their needs and their interests.

Children at MEES are not using tablets the whole day. There are designated times when groups of children, under teachers' supervision, are working on tablets. Aside from the the use of tablets, there is plenty of time reserved for art, social studies, science, conversation, play, and development of fine and gross motor skills during the daily park time.

Is MEES a Montessori school?

-Yes and No!

A strong founding principle of Maria Montessori’s ideology is to reach each child’s maximum potential. Each child is different, with unique qualities, and therefore comparison is needless. Teachers are facilitators, feeding the learning process rather than authority figures instructing students. By giving children responsibility for their own learning, it triggers talent and creates unique personalities, therefore reaching their maximum potential. A major part of the lesson time at a Montessori school is for students to learn on their own, working with materials designed to support the Montessori method.

However, as a kindergarten in Japan catering to families from all different nationalities with different mother tongues, when the capacity of a young child to learn languages is the strongest, English language development is an essential part of the MEES curriculum. A self-reliant child in a full Montessori system is on his or her own, in touch with his or her own learning, presumably doing so in the child's native language. However, developing a second language demands a strong social environment in which there is frequent communication with teachers and peers. Therefore MEES has developed an English early childhood education system with its roots in Japan, combining Montessori ideas as described above with a lively social environment in which there is a shower of English and a strong focus on speaking, reading and writing in English.

MEES successfully combines these aspects by using a Montessori approach of classroom management, allowing freedom for the children within a frame of a few basic rules to maintain a safe, structured and respectful environment.

Preschool Fees - School year 2024-2025

Enrollment fee (one time)¥90,000
Material Fee (annually)¥20,000
Extended Care Ticket set (5 hours)¥5,000
School LunchIncluded with tuition

Preschool Program 9:00 to 14:00

1st term (Sep-Dec)2nd term (Jan-Mar)3rd term (Apr-Jul)Annually
2 days a week
(1 to 3 years old)
3 days a week
(1 to 3 years old)
4 days a week
(1 to 3 years old)
5 days a week
(1 to 6 years old)

Nursery Program 9:00 to 18:00 (example price) Time can be adjusted in 30 minutes increments)

Time can be adjusted in
30 minutes increments
1st term (Sep-Dec)2nd term (Jan-Mar)3rd term (Apr-Jul)Summer
2 days a week
(1 to 3 years old)
3 days a week
(1 to 3 years old)
4 days a week
(1 to 3 years old)
5 days a week
(1 to 6 years old)

-Paid fees are non refundable
-Tuition fees are excluded tax (10%)
-For bus service fees please contact the school administration
-Smaller one time fees may be asked (ex. Excursions)
-Lunch is included with tuition fees
-Prices are subject to change without giving prior notice

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